Friday, March 25, 2011

Comparing and Contrasting problems in our everyday life.

Audrey : Over the summer I wrecked my car by smashing into another car in front of me after they had abruptly stopped. However while my car was totaled my main problem was the fact that my mother was on a trip in a state 5 hours away and my dad was working in a town an hour away. When the police arrived and asked me who I could contact for help I wasn't sure. So in reality I had two problems I had to solve what to do about my car and who to contact to give me a ride home. With my wreck being in town on main street and by living out in the country I realized this task would not be easy. Also I was standing on main street with my car smashed and it happened to be at seven in the morning after I just woke up and ran an errand. I decided I could either walk to the nearest restaurant until I could find a ride, I could get a ride with the tow truck guy or I could get a ride to the police station. I finally decided to just get a ride with the tow truck man being that he knew my family and seemed to be the friendliest. Then after I arrived at the tow truck company I had to decide what to do from there, If I should call a friend and get a ride, wait for my dad to get back and pick me up, or call my aunt and get a ride with her. Being that my friend was out of town and my aunt just had surgery I ended up waiting for my dad who was at that time on his way back and was only thirty minutes away. Those who heard my story were glad I was okay. My dad later told me that he was glad I got a ride to the tow truck company because they were really sweet about it. Even though I wrecked my car I was relieved that I had a place to go after my wreck and glad my dad came back to give me a ride home. Shawna: While I was in high school I didn't have a job, instead I would just babysit during the weeknights and weekends for family friends. There was one incident that I can remember when I was asked to babysit my 8 year old twins nieces and these girls were a handful. They both came home from school in a bad mood because they did not have a good day at school and would not mind me at all!!! I had asked them to put away their dishes after we got done eating and that is when the disasterous evening began. From that point on they decided to not listen to any directions that I gave them. They put sunscreen in my hair, they locked me out of the house, and they made me a raw egg sandwich. You can believe that I was beyond frustrated, so i began trying to think of ways to get the girls under control. Obviously time outs and yelling at them were not working so I knew I had to be a little bit more creative with my ideas. I began to make jokes with them and try to help make their day better since I knew their day at school wasn't the best. We went on a walk which somewhat calmed both of them down and when we got back to the house we colored in coloring books, wrote on the sidewalks with chalk, and I read to them. I basically just did most of the things that I liked doing when I was a little girl. This helped a tremendous amount in making them settle down so I just let the bad behaviour slip until their parents got home. Whenever my aunt and uncle came home I had sat them down and told them about my adventurous evening with the girls. We ended up thinking of things to do for the girls so that next time I babysat them things wouldn't get out of control. Needless to say the girls did get in big trouble for acting out and ended up having to write me a letter. This wasn't the easiest thing to do, but under the circumstances I think I used my creative thinking skills to the best of my ability. In both of our stories I think we both used our creative thinking skills well. Both of the adults that we usually turn too whenever we have problems were both out of town and we decided to take things into our own hands. For our age I think we handled both of these situations the best we could and things ended up turning out for the best.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is the internet as reliable as we think?

Many people have a hard time deciding which website they can trust to be reliable when writing their paper. By using unreliable sources you could be incorporating and promoting false information in your paper. Reliable information can be found by using cites other than ".com". In most cases those who use .com in their papers have received false information and their paper therefore has false information included in it. Most young writers do not realize the risks involved in receiving information off of the internet to use for their papers and need to be aware of the falsity involved with some websites. To start by telling if an internet source is more reliable than another source you can start by looking at the domain type. For instance a website with the domain type ".com" is based on a commercial business, organization, or company(Evaluating Internet Sources). Whereas, a website with a domain type ".gov" or ".edu" would be based on a nonmilitary government entity and an educational institution (Evaluating Internet Sources). So clearly the sites with ".gov" or ".edu" would be reliable if the site is based on the government or education. Also sites including ".com" could come from anywhere and be written by anyone. Therefore we need to make absolute sure that we are not citing websites that a fourteen year old could have written. Most likely if the website was written by the government or college the information is going to be written by an older, more experienced, person who knows what they are talking about. These are just a few ways to be able to incorporate trustworthy information and be able to support our information with reliable adequate proof.

Here is a video explaining how to find reliable websites:

Work Cited
"Evaluating Internet Sources" Taft College Home Page. Wev. 23 Mar. 2011. <>